Gedicht: Just want a happy dream

Wanna have her here with some pace
right in front of my astonished face
some nice dreamgirl to embrace
fully packed in Chantilly lace

nevertheless I drowned
in my dream in a paund
filled with love and sound
goin' 'round and 'round and 'round

in the still hours of the night
full of fear and full of fright
on my face an anxious expression
after another frightful dream session

what about is this nightmare?
scaring away my romantic dream
a blonde nun dressed in a habit of mohair
on the edge of my bed I shout out a huge scream

because I don't want my dreamgirl now and then
want her again and again and again
don't want her vanishing to there en then
sure as hell don't want me a flash in the pan

master of fantasy and happy dreams
take away these horrid screams
make my dream come true at last
I wanna join my dreamgirl for breakfast.








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