Gedicht: Exploding universe

A man was dressed in a dreadnought
and he bought some food for thought
he purchased it at a little stall
on the Avenue Charles de Gaulle
but he didn't like the taste
it tasted almost like waste
also he believed the stuff way too heavy
to take it all the way to the levee
to the particle accelerator near Vevey
in his old red and rusty Chevy
and on top of this his piece of string jacket
started to feel like a straitjacket
he finally decided to climb a mountain
to consult the sage near the clear crystal fountain
but the wise hermit told him to move along
cause the universe seemed to implode
and if not it would shortly explode
because men up until now did everything wrong
and he'ld better get ready to sing his swan song.

Over het gedicht:

At some point in the near future our beautyful planet will implode and wipe away mankind. I think we already ate most of our 'American pie'.








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