Gedicht: Two hearts one thought

Two hearts, one thought,
Much is sought after,
Sometimes there is laughter.

Many souls join in,
Wanting to be whole,
To find a common goal.

We are here on earth,
Giving birth to our daily lives,
Filled with our common strives.

Being born here it is clear,
We are creatures with a body,
Compelled by our destiny.

Our souls command us,
To carry on with the chosen task,
First, do take off your mask.

We may seek to be true,
Looking for a clue,
Who will fit the shoe?

To honor the purpose of life itself,
One has to ask:
What is my task?

The one thing making me come to life,
Willing to take on the challenge,
Wanting to go forth and be of assistance.

We all are here that much is clear,
Only a heartbeat away,
And only the heart knows the way.

B.R. '19








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hearts, task, honor, challenge

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