Gedicht: The muslim woman

Once there was a muslim woman,
wearing her veil.
And somany take a pale look,
wondering why she is dressed up like that.

The don't know she's still a woman,
with beauty and brains.
All they can think of,
is she must be in chains.

To idly hide her appearance,
with only the truest of man,
able to see her beauty for real.
While she outwits others with her brains.

But where are those truest of man,
the ones that honor and respect her as a woman?
Can't they see she's still a woman,
who likes to dress up?

Only showing herself to the truest of man,
the ones with whom she feels close.
Leaving all those nitwits wondering,
what she would look like.

Those nitwits will never know,
but for the truest of man.
She has a revelation,
Every night it's strip-tease.

As long as they say,
reveal urself to me, please.
And she will reply,
just remember to love and honor me,
for the woman that I am.

Cuz I am not hiding invain,
but just treasure my beauty,
for my one true love!

B.R. '15








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veil, woman

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