Gedicht: The passing

There is the passing of time,
Time comprised of many moments.
From early on, till we reach the final stage.
The first look from a child,
May evoke a smile.

The first steps of a child,
Are celebrated.
And from those moments on,
We expand our vision,
To encompass the world around us.
We make many steps into adulthood.

We look forward to life's surprises,
And we step into the future that awaits us.
And one day we look back,
And recollect all those moments in our life.
We realize what it meant to us,
To live life.

And as time passes,
Life becomes a recollection,
Of all those defining moments,
That we have built upon.
Every life is monumental either way,
For we all leave a recollection,
Of moments to be shared.

B.R. '16








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passing, life

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