Gedicht: The awakening

The awakening

This is a time of awakening,
Of clearing up our lives.
Of becoming who we were meant to be,
Souls born as man.

The destiny we forge decides the fate of the planet as we move beyond fear.
To stand up for the things we hold dear,
Leaving no stone untouched.

The greater destiny of all of mankind depends upon our personal choices.
When we choose to improve our lives for the better, we raise the standards of living for the people around us.

Whatever we choose to do becomes the example we set for others.
Raising ourselves to higher standards means letting go of things that no longer serve us.

Whatever we decide forges our destiny and shapes the future of mankind.
For the future to be bright we need to shed our light where it is most needed.

Everybody is part of the grander vision of life itself,
Expressing itself through us.
Everybody has the choice to be part of the evolving scheme of things.

There are no other choices in life than the choices we make, each and every choice brings us closer to a grander life or takes us away from accomplishing great things.

Called upon we are to reach greater heights,
Exploring with our heart, mind, and soul,
The possibilities of becoming more of what we truly are.

We always have the chance, to turn things around,
Change our destiny and forge our own fate.
Everybody feels the pull of spirit, to be true to what we came here to do.

Gently we are called upon to be bright as the sun,
Shine our light as it was meant to be.
Nobody can deny the great force of life beckoning us to take on the task to be a soul incarnate.

Clearing up is part of the job,
As it means letting go of that foolish notion,
Your just a fragile body.

What we are is indescribable but to do it justice,
We need to be clear, for we are too dear to put words to waist.

B.R. '19








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