Gedicht: Weird folks

Thought he looked a tiny bit weird
and weary to his bones so it appeared
when I saw him come out the habersashery
you know just next to the monastery
you were heading for a day at the races
although your booky caught the hay fever
I just happened to catch in a fleeting glimpse

let us now do take one for the road
in the' Bishop's hedgerow'
and put me up for a gienje
on 'Laughing girl' in the three O' clock
she runs fourteen to one
and she has not even begun
after that i'll take you punting on the Cherwell
when the weather is nice in Oxford as well

tonight we'll make love before a grand open fire
I'll be your knight in shining armor at your desire
we'll have sauce of dried mushrooms and pineapple
and take a strowl to the old country-chapel
I'm gonna light a candle for the godess of love
and send her all my wishes of the back of a white dove.








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