Gedicht: The bomb

The bomb

It has torn the flesh of my bones
Shred to pieces, (i'm around )?
How could they see in the dark

Dark spots in the moonlight fall
It's the flesh i recall
To build a structure that won't fall

Crawling in the dark
A spiritual migration default
My spirit, seen by all
Bright white in the dark night

Within my fortress i rebuild my throne
Behind the trees from my grave, exploding rays of pale white light, ride the sky's.
I come for you tonight
The anxiety haunts your mind
The bomb will come,
It comes where you hide

Stay with me
Don't fall behind
We attack on my sign, tonight

With the many we attack your side
We annihilate the Enemy tonight

Over het gedicht:

Dichten is een uitlaatklep voor mij, probeer ervan te genieten.








Er is 0 keer gestemd


sad, night, depression, death, dark

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