Gedicht: Murder, ain't I

I can't believe that I trusted you
But if it must be this way, you can die
As hard as you let me to
Just let me go, let me fly

Burn in hell and wait for the right moment
You where already dead when you stabbed me
It's like the spell that I've send
It's like the flight of an killer bee

One scar is bad enough
A murder is an fear for the enemy
Fighting for you is so tough
But I knew you wouldn't agree

You're killing me now, let me rest
This home isn't the safest place any more
I'm better of in the dark forest
Now i must clear the blood on the floor

It's on my shirt, it's on everything
I took your car and hide you from the other
It was like flying with only one wing
To the end of the lake of trouble water

One scar is bad enough
A murder is an fear for the enemy
Fighting for you is so tough
But I knew you wouldn't agree

I swear, it was my biggest mistake
It was the blood which me surprising
But all I wanted was you to wake
And I'm not a murderer, but I was fighting

Now I'm looking desperate to the sky
Feeling the blood dripping against my back
I think god gave me an reason why
I shouldn't took an life of the track








Er is 1 keer gestemd


murder, scar, fightening

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