Gedicht: Once there was a preacher

Once there was a preacher man,
turning faith into a scam.
He did not like, he did not want
the truth to be revealed.

He did not like, he did not want
the truth to be revealed.
For it would have ment,
the very end for his bid for power.

The preacher man, he claims somuch,
still he's loosing touch.
By silencing and killing all.
Whom reveal the things he hides.

The preacher man, he thinks he rules
the world at large.
But alas, the human heart is greater though.
Then his very realm can handle.

the heart tells us much, restores our touch,
with the grand divine.
While the preacher man still tries to ban,
which does not suit his bid for power.

But here we are in the final hour,
reclaiming all he hid.
And his realm, becomes the domain,
of the very ones persecuted until the very end.

The ones who, love us all,
unlike him.

Over het gedicht:

This i wrote concerning the idea that faith is corrupted by those that have a vested interest to mislead us.








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Preacherman, faith

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