Gedicht: A little girl in war.

A little girl, so young so small

Was standing all alone, pressed agains the wall.

She was outside, knowing she shouldn't be there

Till a brutal man grabbed her hair.

She screamed and cried, asking him to let go

But the man did not do so.

He pulled her with him, over the square

Till he stood still and said 'I care.'

The girl had still some resistance

Till she heard gunshots in the distance.

The man took her into a cellar

'You stay here till I'll be the yeller.'

He left her inside, closed the door

She felt more frightened then ever before.

She heard men yelling, throwing stones

As well the sounds of men with broken bones.

She kept waiting and waiting, was freezing and shaking

Till her patience was breaking

She stood up and went out on the street

While she was fillen with deceit

She thought she has been misled

Till a bullet hit her head.

Over het gedicht:

A sad but potential true story about a little girl and her death.








Er is 1 keer gestemd


girl, war, dead, bullet, hurt

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