Gedicht: Different happinesses.

A nice spring morning. The sun is showing her from her best side. The sky is crackles blue. A bee flies by, leaving a soft zoom in the morning breeze. The warm sun strokes my skin. I hold the even warmer muck of strong coffee in my hands while looking up to the ocean blue sky. The sense of coffee fills my nose.
I smile.

The same spring morning. The sun is covered behind a military of grey and black clouds. Flies fly around my head, trying to land on the only piece of bread I have left in my hand. The rain strokes my skin. I hold the soaked piece of bread while looking up to the depressed sky. The sense of garbage fills my nose.
I smile.

Over het gedicht:

This poems shows children or adults can be happy with the most poor surcomstances while others are only to be pleased with the best of the best surcomstances.
Where are you pleased with?








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happy, smile, world, love, depressed

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