Gedicht: Just a rap

This is not a lie

everyone can fly.

Tell them all, ev'ryone in this world;

coz there's no excisting building that not is built.

Although the unexcisting things are not to be

not to be, not for you but neither for me.

Things that excist, they really excist

that's not a fact to be about in a twist.

But the unexcisting things you meet,

are the things you really don't need.

Youd don't need them and if you don' agree,

you can ask it on aday to me.

You can really fly

and maybe very high.

listen to the sound

of the sky when you're on the ground.

But it's no joke:

I didn't use coke.

This is pure, this is true.

it's from my bright brain and i tell it to you.

You need to know this all

so you can stand up anytime you fall.

Have a trust...

...It's just

-a kind of tact

and that's a fact......

Copyright: Pina Jones.

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