Gedicht: Past, present, future

To my dearest
In future, past and present

To my dearest past
I have been in recovery
Discovering my needs and feelings
That occupied my mind
I have been selfish
Not enough room for what you need

O my dearest present
I now know better than ever
That I have feelings and needs
The pain I feel is real
Even if its origin is in the past
I am sorry but still have no room
No room for what you need
Still lots of work need to be done

To the future
You will be able to express
To feel and enjoy
To love and cherish
It has taken me a long time to get here
But I am able to share
Share my love and needs with yours
Enjoy love and experience love

-- Elise Art

Over het gedicht:

ik heb dit gedicht geschreven om weer perspectief te krijgen








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Toekomst, Leven, Liefde, Voelen, Engels

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